Free-time supervision
When you attend an ASTUR programme, you can enjoy your activities and courses carefree. We will look after you! Depending on participant age, the itinerary and other factors, an appropriate level of supervision will be ensured for every group. However, all our programmes have the following criteria in common:
- All supervisors have received supervision training.
- All participants can reach out to their supervisors at any time and without hassle.
- Depending on participant age, we may allow higher levels of independence in individual cases.
- Activity programmes are prepared at an early stage. So everyone is well-informed about dates and locations of their activities.
- Our emergency hotline serves as fall-back 24/7.

We are taking care of you

Specially-trained ASTUR supervisors will be there for you during these programmes:
Our teamer staff will be looking after you at all times. They accompany you to the booked activities and make sure that you have a good time. In particular, they possess the following qualities:

The ASTUR host families will be there for you during the following programmes:
Relying on our vast host family network is ASTUR's strong suit. You will almost always be accommodated with a typical German family. The fact that family structures may be very diverse in Germany, is also represented within our homestay base. Therefore, we count among our host families:
All host families in our network are looking forward to welcoming international guests and all of them are reviewed by ASTUR. That way, we can verify that during your stay you will be accommodated in your own room with a bed, window, central heating etc. In general you will come home to your host family after your afternoon activities are over. You will have dinner with your host family and spend the evening with them. On the following morning, you will have breakfast and then leave for the day to go on more adventures.

An ASTUR Center Manager will be there for you to a certain extend, depending on the programme you attend in Germany. When you join a class trip, the Center Manager will primarily talk to your teachers or group leaders. If, on the other hand, you attend high school in Germany, your Center Manager will be in touch with you and your host family more directly.
ASTUR Center Managers have quite a few tasks. They look after all host families of their Center and serve as first contacts, should problems arise. If you and your host family are facing challenges or have difficulties communicating, your Center Manager will listen to you. Sometimes, a Center Manager accommodates students just as host families do. This is because they are very experienced when it comes to welcoming young adults from all across the world.

Student-supervisor ratios for ASTUR programmes
As operators of youth travel programmes, we have to strictly observe the respective youth protection legislation. Of particular importance is the fact that our guests arrive from countries all over the world. Therefore, ASTUR applies German laws for the protection of youth as well as the rules which apply at our participants' homes. Furthermore, there are additional sets of rules established by our host families to ensure a positive experience for families and guests. Naturally, family rules have to be respected just as well.
As long as everyone moves within their boundaries during an activity programme in Germany, we will all be on the safe side. In certain cases, however, our supervisors may be inclined to allow individual freedoms, depending on your age and other factors. You will find more details below: