ASTUR Highschool Programmes in Germany

Are you interested in attending Highschool in Germany? The ASTUR Highschool programmes may be just what you are looking for! Since the year 1999 we have been placing students from all over the world at German schools. Our numerous centers make it possible for us to place you almost anywhere in Germany. Together with our Center Managers we send you to 'your' host family and new school.

You can choose between one of these variations:

In case that you are not quite sure yet, whether you really want to spend a number of months in Germany, we can recommend our Short-term Highschool programmes. These programmes consist of school immersion experiences, ranging from 1 to 4 weeks. They give you a perfect, yet shorter, glimpse into what it means to attend a regular German Highschool.

Required language skills when attending school in Germany

It is important to us that you are capable of taking part in class in a way that advances not only you language skills but also your knowledge of maths, history or chemistry for example. That is why we recommend a language proficiency level of at least B1 according to CEFR standards. Only then will it be sensible to attend school in Germany.

If you want to brush up your German skills before the official start of your school stay, we recommend taking part in one of our individual One-to-One programmes. Here, students are attentively nurtured and at the same time get used to the way of life in Germany.

ASTUR Academic start of programme and registration

Beginning and duration of your Highschool programme are determined by the educational framework established in the Federal State where you are placed. Please note that these frameworks differ from State to State. This affects the school holidays among other things. Summer holidays, for example, begin the earliest for all students of Berlin. They usually break for summer in early August. On the contrary, the students of South Germany have to attend school way until September before beginning their summer holidays.

Similarly, all other holiday periods, such as Christmas, Easter or Spring, vary in each German Federal State.

Academic Year

If you plan on attending Highschool for an entire year, this is your programme. The programme starts when a new school year begins and continues all through the year until the following summer holidays. All in all the Academic Year spans between 42 and 48 weeks.

Academic Semester

If you wish to attend Highschool for half a year, we recommend the Academic Semester. The programme can start when the new school year begins or when the second term of the school year begins (usually early February). Depending on your programme start the Academic Semester will continue until the end of January or until school breaks for the summer holidays. All in all the Academic Semester spans between 20 and 24 weeks.

Academic Trimester / Two Months

An Academic Trimester or Two Months can be completed within 2 - 3 months (8 - 12 weeks). It can be booked relatively freely within the school year. However, we avoid times of holidays where we can, so that you have the chance to attend school as long as possible. Still, it is still important to be wary of when school holidays begin at your destination.

Short-term Highschool Programme (School Immersion)

The Short-term Highschool Programme is the ideal solution for you when you would like to get a glimpse of what it is like to attend school in Germany. This School Immersion Programme covers a period between 1 and 4 weeks and may be booked very flexibly. However, we avoid times of holidays here, too. As the programme is rather short, we guarantee that you will attend school during your entire stay.

Dates & Registration

Your registration should reach us at least 3 to 4 months before your desired programme start. We need enough time to prepare, finding the right host family and school for you. In fact, you will also need time to prepare for your stay in Germany. It can take its time, when you have to apply for a visa or procure different statements. There are a few things to be done.

Do you need a Visa?
In order to be allowed to attend school in Germany, you first of all have to fulfill the legal requirements to enter the country. Students from certain countries therefore need to apply for a visa. The following link will take you to the homepage of the German Federal Foreign Office. There you can check up on which visa criteria apply for your home country. The ministry has such a list for every nation.
When do the programmes begin?

For short stays of 4 months or less, the start dates are very flexible. You can start the program at any time as long as it is not during school vacations. For 6 or more months, you must either start in the summer at the beginning of the school year or in the second semester. These start times are either August / September or January / February, depending on the federal state. If you want to do a full school year, you can only start your stay after the summer vacation. Depending on the federal state, this is either in August or September.

Education in Germany

Germany is a federal republic. The country is governed on a national level by the federal government in Berlin. However, sixteen Federal States (Bundesländer), of which the country consists, hold comprehensive powers when it comes to governance. Certain areas of political responsibility is held by the federal government and thus has the same implications for all Germans. Yet, there are a number of competences, where each State has the power to make their own decisions. Those decisions are then only legally binding to the inhabitants of the respective State.

One such political field, which impacts ASTUR immediately, is the German sector of education. Each Federal State has the right to determine themselves what content students have to study and how school holidays are distributed across the school year. These decisions directly affect the Academic programmes of ASTUR.

Your choice: long-term Highschool programme or short-term School Immersion

ASTUR Acadmic has different programmes on offer, which all include attending Highschool in Germany: our short-term School Immersion and our long-term Highschool programme. They both offer the opportunity for you to go to school in Germany just like German adolescents do. We provide placement at regular, state-recognised institutions such as Gymnasium or Gesamtschule. You will be accommodated with a local host family for the duration of you stay. In the following boxes you can compare the two programmes easily:

Short-term Highschool / School Immersion

Age group: 12 - 17 years of age

Programme available from/till:

any time

Duration: 4 - 8 weeks

Required language proficiency: at least A2 (CEFR)

Recognition of German school grades at home: not possible

Long-term Highschool / ASTUR Academic

Age group: 14 - 18 years of age

Programme available from/till:

August / September; January / February

Duration: 2 - 11 months

Required language proficiency: at least B1 (CEFR)

Recognition of German grades at home: possible

Questions about Highschool in Germany?

As you can see, there are a number of aspects to consider when planning to attend Highschool in Germany. There are quite a few tasks to complete. Nonetheless, you can rest assured that those tasks are far from insurmountable. Many students have managed to prepare perfectly for their Highschool stay. Most students found it deeply gratifying to find out that they could successfully take the bureaucratic hurdles involved with preparing your trip to Germany - not to mention the unique experience of actually living life like a German student.

In any case, it is important to get in touch with us and discuss anything you are still unsure about. We are happy to talk to you on the phone or receive your email. Susanne will assist you and answer all your questions.

What your predecessors have to say (in German of course)

Adam, 17 Berlin

Es gibt keine Probleme mit meiner Gastfamilie. Ich liebe meine Gasteltern, weil sie so gut zu mir sind. Ich könnte nicht nach besseren Gasteltern fragen. Sie waren perfekt.

Meine Schule ist toll. Die Leute sind immer nett und freundlich zu mir. Die Lehrer sind fantastisch. Ich wünsche, dass ich mehr Schule hätte.

Berlin ist eine sehr hübsche Stadt mit viel zu tun. Ich habe viele Freunde gehabt.

Chiara, 18 Überlingen

Leider ist meine Erfahrung in Deutschland zu Ende gegangen. Ich freue mich schon auf Italien, aber auf der anderen Seite bin ich sehr traurig, mein Leben hier zu verlassen und mich von meinen deutschen Freunden zu verabschieden.

Wenn ich an dieses Jahr zurück denke, bin ich sehr stolz auf mich, weil ich ein Jahr ohne meine Familie und Freunde gelebt habe! Alles war komplett anders als meine liebe Heimatstadt. Dennoch habe ich herausgefunden, wie stark und unabhängig ich sein kann.