Quality through certification
Over 20 years ago, a number of initiatives were formed in Germany, aiming to professionalise the German (youth) travel sector and at the same time create the highest possible level of security and transparency for all participants. ASTUR considers it an absolute necessity to create for its adolescent guests reliable offers and programmes of the highest standards. Therefore, it goes without saying that we are not only members of the leading youth travel associations in Germany, but also make active contributions for those associations.
German Association of Language Tour Operators
(Fachverband Deutscher Sprachreise-Veranstalter e. V. - FDSV)
ASTUR is a certified member of the German Association of Language Tour Operators (FDSV e.V.). The association was founded in the year 1977, when a number of German language tour operators combined their efforts. Their goal was to create verifiable quality standards for consumers. All FDSV members commit themselves to comply with those quality standards. The association played a leading role in the development of the Euopean norm EN 14804, defining the requirements for language study tour providers. The norm was the first of its kind to establish relevant elements of a language study tour and set standards which have to be met for such tours to 'make sense'. One of the most important association bodies is the independent FDSV scientific council. Through periodical examinations of the member schools, agencies and operators, the council ensures that the association's quality guidelines as well as the European norm EN 14804 are observed. Find our more about the association on the FDSV-website. Further details about what happens behind the scenes at FDSV can be found in this interview with Peter Schuto.
German Youth Travel Association (Reisenetz e. V.)
ASTUR is a certified member of the German Youth Travel Association, Reisenetz e. V., being actively involved in the association work. The goal is to improve the quality of youth travel in Europe as well as bring about sustainable development in the field of educational travel both in Germany and Europe.
The non-profit organisation Reisenetz e. V. has been working very hard for more than 20 years to bring education and tourism closer together. Reisenetz e. V. has set itself the declared aim of creating a safe and sophisticated environment in the youth travel sector. This is why all members of the association guarantee to comply with strict quality guidelines. More about Reisenetz e. V.
Code of conduct in online marketing
In cooperation with Verband Internet Reisevertrieb (VIR), the German Travel Association (Deutscher ReiseVerband - DRV) designed a Code of Conduct concerning customer-oriented online marketing. This Code of Conduct represents a statute of voluntary obligation for all signatories to uphold set standards when it comes to online marketing and search engine marketing. ASTUR is glad to count themselves among the signatories and uphold the set standards with regard to fraud protection, transparency and truthfulness.
As a top-level association, DRV represents the travel industry in Germany. As a leading lobby we safeguard, more particularly, the interests of tour operators and travel agents. More about DRV.